Thursday, October 28, 2010

Number 83 : Gina Hiraizumi (平泉ジーナ)

This is the first of many Asian Americans that I would like to see slide down my fireman's pole - if you know what I mean. She's kind of stocky and she's got a nice fat ba-donka-donk, I'm actually surprised she doesn't have a black boyfriend. They're into that kind of thing I hear. She dropped way down on the list after she posted a bunch of pictures of her dorky looking boyfriend with her in Japan on Twitter. I want to see cleavage and short skirts, not some dillhole draped all over you! How can I masturbate to that?!? At least her youtube channel is still dill-free and pretty hot.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Number 84 : Sherman Chung (鍾舒漫)

Sherman. Shu Man. Shu Mai? Now, I'm getting hungry. I'll be back after a quick dim sum run. Ah. Much better now. Sherman dropped down on the list in recent weeks because she cut her hair short. Terrible idea. Just terrible. For any woman. Long hair is what separates men from women from rock stars. Actually, the same is true of rock stars. They start to suck once they cut their hair. It's like Sampson and Delilah. Girls with short hair leave me with nothing to pull when I'm hitting them from behind. Or anything to whip around when it gets violent. Or anything to braid during innocent sleep overs. Or anything to cut during revenge sex.

Blog: (I think this is a fanpage, and no updates since April, and a stupid warning at the top.)
Facebook: (Also, probably not from her, but some great pictures here)
Wiki: (The zh version is much, much, longer)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Number 85 : Maki Goto (後藤 真希)

Ah, dear Maki. I'll never forget the day I found her. It was a cool night in 20-aught-9. I searched for something completely different, and there she was. An angel looking back at me. And nothing like the Sweet Black Girls I was looking for. I guess she's a singer or a model with some Daddy issues and a messed up family life. But that's pretty much any girl I've ever fallen for. I usually fall for strippers if you couldn't tell. And I'm sure they like me for more than my neatly ironed singles. They call me the rain maker, I think because I make them all wet.

Blog: (No updates for over a year!)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Number 86 : Selina Jen (任家萱)

Selina. Hot. Everywhere. I think that's what her manufactured group S.H.E. stands for....wait, what's that you say? Oh, Selina. Hebe. Ella. That's cute. And their new promotion is called SHE-RO (The RO stands for RoyalGrumble Only.) And their company is called Him? Shouldn't it be called He? I guess they would have to kick out Selina to do that. Or they can change their name to H.E.R. Oh wait, still no Selina. They would have to add someone like Rong Wang or Ruby or Ryan Seacrest. I really seems like Selina is holding this group back. They really should kick her out. I'll take her. I have plenty of room for her. Sure, I'll have to get rid of some blow-up dolls and various adult toys, but they're getting worn anyway.



Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Number 87 : YuBin Kim (김유빈)

The rapper from the hottie group Wonder Girls. I wonder why a girl group needs a rapper. And doesn't being the rapper mean she can't sing? It's like someone said "This girl is sexy, but has no talent at all. Let's make her edgy and call her the rapper!" She probably had to blow every music producer in the biz. And then some. Man, I wish I was a Korean music producer right now. I wonder if she just stands on stage and yells "what!" or "ho" or "hey"? Actually, I bet she just lip syncs it all. All this wondering is making me a Wonder Girl tonight. Can I be a Wonder Girl by injection? By imaginary injection?



Friday, October 8, 2010

Number 88 : Stephy Tang (鄧麗欣)

Tang. Hehehe. I love that name. I would change my last name to Tang if it wasn't so time consuming and I wasn't so lazy. Stephy should have called herself Cookie Tang. Sounds like part of my balanced breakfast when I was a kid. And then again when I was in college, but the Tang in college wasn't an orange drink - if you catch my drift. It was always wet, and once it was orange, but mostly black or shaved. I think Stephy here is a singer or a model or a model singer. Or a model citizen. I bet her Tang is wet. Wet for me. And shaved. Shaved for me. I need to finish this post in a few minutes...I need to finish something first.


Blog: (No update since Jan. 2010)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Number 89 : Terri Kwan (關穎)

I'm not sure exactly how I discovered Miss Kwan. I don't know if it is spelled Teri or Terry or Trey or Terri. I'm torn. (See what I did there?) She is pretty hot and apparently she thinks she is a mermaid or something according to her blog. Speaking of her blog, she has a lot of VERY skanky looking friends that show up on there often. But, I'm not too happy with her lately, she posted something about a vacation a while ago and hasn't updated the blog for several months! Needless to say, my fantasies of spunking on her tattoos have gone way down since the spring.

