Thursday, January 20, 2011

Number 69 : Meisa Kuroki (黒木 メイサ)

Oh great, another hot Japanese girl with katakana for her name. Too good for Kanji eh? Her name means Female Animal Black Tree. Wait, what's that...? Oh, I thought it was メス. Whoops. Sorry about that. I guess it's more like Mesa. Of the crappy airline and city in New Mexico. The one right next to Yuma. In Texas. Anyway, enough of the geography and language lessons. What is this, High School? When I looked through my pictures of Meisa, I was wondering why I'm so infatuated with her. She's not fantastic, but every time I see a picture of her I save it. She's like the "precious" to my "gollum". Not like Precious the huge, black chick - I'm talking about the LOTR ring. I'm going to go stroke my precious for a while now.


Staff Blog: (I hope that's not like a staff infection...)

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