Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Number 49 : Koni Lui (呂慧儀)

Koni took second place in the Miss Hong Kong pageant. That's why we get along so well. I took second place in the Long Dong contest. I would have won it too - if it wasn't for those meddling kids and their Extenze. And that Jimmy Johnson. What's funny is his name is Johnson and he is selling a dick pill. And Jimmy. Like Jimmy protection. He was born to sell dick stuff. Speaking of dick stuff, Koni is one hot mama that I would like to stuff my dick into. See what I did there? It's called a transition. And she's one hot mama that I would like to transition my stuff into. Well, that didn't work as well. Anyway, she has long, long, legs. And likes to show them. And long boobs. And likes to show some of them. Her long legs and my long Extenze-free dong make us a great match. If we got together they would have to call us Long Dong Hong Kong. And we could go on tour with Cheech and Chong. Featuring Angela Fong. Look for our tour coming soon to a town near you that you may have heard of.


Facebook:呂慧儀 (Probably a Fan Page, but I can't read that chicken scratch.)

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